How to protect the LED display from moisture

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According to statistics, every year more than 1/4 of the industrial electronic products are damaged by moisture in the world . The harm caused by moisture seriously affects the quality and service lifetime of the industrial electronic products. As a new type of  media display product, LED displays are widely used worldwide. Because of their high brightness, seamless connecting, bright colors and long service lifetime, LED displays are widely used for indoor and outdoor fixed installation and rental, such as shopping mall, commercial media, cultural performances, stadiums, public transportation and many other fields.



Due to the waterproof design of the product and a series of technical treatments and quality control during the manufacturing process, the LED displays can be used in harsh outdoor environments. Before the production, the electronic components will be dried, applied three proofing treatments(mold proof, moisture proof and salt spray proof) etc. After being assembled into a finished product, they will be subjected to rigorous tests such as waterproof, high and low temperature, and vibration test to ensure the stability and reliability of the LED displays. However, as the use time of the LED displays gets longer, and the weather changes, the probability of the LED displays getting damp will increase, the reason is that most of the electric components of the LED displays are moisture-sensitive devices, which are easily get damp during operation.


Here are some suggestions to maintain the LED displays:


First of all, we start with the storage of raw materials and moisture prevention in the manufacturing process. As the most important component of the LED displays, LED lamps are the components which most susceptible to moisture and can not be repaired. The mainly packaging material of LED lamps is epoxy resin (a kind of polymer material), while polymer materials have the characteristics of moisture absorption, so the vaporized water molecules can easily enter the package shell, which causes the LED lamps to become damp.



So how do we effectively prevent moisture from the LED lamps? There are several methods as following:

  1. When transporting and storing LED lamps, they can be heightened with some objects to make it water proof and moisture proof.

  2. The LED lamps should be stored in a dry and ventilated environment, with an ambient temperature of 5℃ ~ 30℃, and a relative humidity of not higher than 60% RH.

  3. The LED lamps must be baked and dehumidified before mounting, and according to the ready date of the LED lamps, they should be baked for not less than 60℃/12 hours.

  4. Pay attention to the control of the environment temperature during the SMD process, the recommended temperature is 20℃ ~ 30℃, and the recommended humidity is 40% RH ~ 60% RH. The unpacked and baked LED lamps should be mounted as soon as possible.



Below are the methods to protect the LED displays from moisture:


Moisture proof methods for outdoor LED displays


  1. Equip temperature sensor and humidity sensor for outdoor LED displays to monitor the humidity around the LED screens in time.

  2. During the installing of the LED displays, the waterproof treatment between the structure and the cabinets should be well done to make sure that no water will enter the cabinets.

  3. After the LED displays are installed and used, after it rains for the first time, we should check whether there is water ingress, water seepage, or condensation inside the cabinets.

  4. Under the ambient humidity of 10% ~ 85%RH, the LED screen should be turned on at least once a day, and work normally for more than 2 hours each time;

  5. When the environmental humidity is higher than 90% RH, the inside of the LED screen should be physically dehumidified, and make sure that the LED screen works for more than 4 hours per day.


Moisture proof methods for indoor LED displays


  1. The LED displays should be turned on at least once a day, working for more than 4 hours each time.

  2. When the environmental humidity is higher than 65% RH, the usage environment of the led screen should be physically dehumidified.

  3. Doors and windows should be closed at night to protect the LED screens from getting damp due to the high humidity at night.

  4. When the LED display is not running, it’s better to open windows for ventilation and keep air convection.

  5. During the use of the LED screen, avoid splashing the screen with water. If it gets wet accidentally, blow or wipe it immediately to make it dry, then let it stand still for 2 hours and then turn it on to confirm there is no problem.


For the LED displays screen, in addition to the moisture proof methods we introduced above, the most effective method is to let the LED display work for a period of time every day. Because the LED display will be heated up when the device is working,  and the heat can evaporate the water vapor, which greatly reduces the probability of the LED display being damp.


If the LED screen has not been used for more than 7 days, when we turn on the LED display, we should warm it up at first. The suggestion method to warm up and turn on the LED display is: warm up for more than 12 hours at the brightness of 30% ~ 50%, and then light up the LED displays by adjusting the screen brightness to a normal brightness (80% ~ 100%) ), in this way, the moisture inside the LED displays can be removed and there will be no abnormality during the operation.


The daily maintenance of the LED display is really important, proper maintenance can effectively extend the service lifetime of the LED display, reduce the frequency of maintenance, reduce the maintenance cost, improve the efficiency of usage, and most importantly, it brings higher benefits for you.


Thanks for your reading, I hope this article will be helpful for you to know the LED displays better! Any inquiry, please feel free to contact [email protected]

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